You pose good questions with no easy answers. I feel a pang for the deer...

Your photos and footage have been so cool all along. I’m sure there will be more. The owls are talking about ya

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Were the fawns rescued?

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Dear Molly, I so feel ya. Feel the dear darling deer. So brave and tough. I grieve, fearing my sweetest girlfriend may have died.

I just came in from watching the owls, all three on the branch, seeming to be going nowhere. The place all alive with owl skrawkings, bats swirling, and crickets shimmering. Then --- another owl! A fourth owl circling all around, making the click-click-click-click call, while the three on the branch skrawked. Wow!!


I tried to look up the owl-to-English dictionary. Not so clear what was going on. But at the time, it looked like the fourth is just looking for opportunity, seeing if somebody wants to rumble.

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Beautiful and so sad. I love you & your heart

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